
Create .desktop launcher to start a terminal with a python virtual environment enable

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Despite the similar questions/answers I can find on this forum and on others, I am not able to create a desktop launcher that start a terminal with a python environment activated.

To activate the environment in an open terminal, the command is source /pyvenv/mne/bin/activate.

My best guess, not working, is:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=gnome-terminal --window -e "bash -c 'source /pyvenv/mne/bin/activate'"

Any better idea?

Mathieu avatar
im flag
If the downvote could be accompanied by an explanation, I would gladly improve the question if it means a solution to the issue I haven't been able to solve in hours.
Albin avatar
br flag
I didn't downvote, but I think it's a bad solution. If you always want to run something for the interactive shell, this is how you do it
Mathieu avatar
im flag
Editing the `.bashrc` is not a solution in my case. Most of the time, I do want the default shell, but I would also like to create a shortcut to a shell with this environment activated. The reason is that most of my users don't know about 'source' and editing bashrc or bash profile, thus a shortcut to enable this shell with this env would be useful.
Albin avatar
br flag
In that case I think your proposal is good, but you should probably have clarified the use case more in the question. I was wondering why you didn't just activate it universally or just run the command when you need it. By if you're a system admin and want to handle this for non-technical users a secondary desktop entry for "terminal with pyenv" makes sense. I upvoted the question. It's not a bad question. People here can be way too harsh.
Mathieu avatar
im flag
@Albin Thank you, agree I should have clarified the use case. Despite the month old, I still haven't figured out how to get it working, although it fell to the bottom of my priority list :/

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