
Output sound stop working randomly with my Jabra speakerphones on Ubuntu 22.10

ve flag

I have a new laptop MSI Stealth GS66-12UH with Ubuntu 22.10. I have a Jabra speakerphones PHS002W connected by USB to laptop.

With Jabra, output sound works perfectly (on Firefox, Chrome, Slack, system-sounds, ...). but randomly, after few times, output sound stop working in all system. When I switch to another output device such HDMI or internal sound card, output sound works.

Here the output of wpctl status when output sound is broken :

 └─ Clients:
        31. WirePlumber                         [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:2638]
        32. WirePlumber [export]                [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:2638]
        74. GNOME Shell Volume Control          [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:2844]
        75. GNOME Volume Control Media Keys     [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:3051]
        76. xdg-desktop-portal                  [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:3245]
        77. gsd-power                           [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:3055]
        78. gnome-shell                         [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:2844]
        79. QtPulseAudio:4360                   [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:4360]
        80. Mutter                              [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:2844]
        81. Brave input                         [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:5856]
        85. Chromium input                      [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:16223]
        94. Chromium                            [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:28931]
        97. GNOME Settings                      [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:34640]
       101. WEBRTC VoiceEngine                  [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:28893]
       104. gnome-control-center                [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:34640]
       132. Chromium input                      [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:28931]
       137. wpctl                               [0.3.58, laurenty@laurenty-Stealth-GS66-12UH, pid:34712]

 ├─ Devices:
 │      38. GA104 High Definition Audio Controller [alsa]
 │      39. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller [alsa]
 │     140. Jabra SPEAK 510 USB                 [alsa]
 ├─ Sinks:
 │      41. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output [vol: 1.00]
 │      42. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 2 Output [vol: 1.00]
 │      43. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 1 Output [vol: 0.88]
 │      44. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller Speaker + Headphones [vol: 0.40]
 │  *  111. Jabra SPEAK 510 USB Stéréo analogique [vol: 0.34]
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 │      45. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller Headphones Stereo Microphone [vol: 1.00]
 │      46. Alder Lake PCH-P High Definition Audio Controller Digital Microphone [vol: 0.88]
 │  *  120. Jabra SPEAK 510 USB Mono            [vol: 0.88]
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:
        84. Chromium                                                    
            108. output_FL       > Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:playback_FL  [active]
            154. output_FR       > Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:playback_FR  [active]
        89. WEBRTC VoiceEngine                                          
            147. monitor_MONO   
            152. input_MONO      < Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:capture_MONO [active]
       114. GNOME Settings                                              
             69. input_FL        < Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:monitor_FL   [active]
             90. monitor_FR     
             91. monitor_FL     
            129. input_FR        < Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:monitor_FR   [active]
       139. gnome-control-center                                        
             95. output_FL       > Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:playback_FL  [active]
       141. WEBRTC VoiceEngine                                          
            112. output_FL       > HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output:playback_FL  [active]
            150. output_FR       > HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output:playback_FR  [active]
       149. GNOME Settings                                              
             48. input_MONO      < Jabra SPEAK 510 USB:capture_MONO [active]
            118. monitor_MONO   

 ├─ Devices:
 ├─ Sinks:
 ├─ Sink endpoints:
 ├─ Sources:
 ├─ Source endpoints:
 └─ Streams:

 └─ Default Configured Node Names:
         0. Audio/Sink    alsa_output.usb-0b0e_Jabra_SPEAK_510_USB_745C4BE60421021900-00.analog-stereo
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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