
xRDP login dialog really small

jp flag

My laptop that I'm using has a 3840x2160 13" screen. I'm using a Ubuntu 22.04 image on Hyper-V that I got from Microsoft. When I connect to it everything works fine except for one thing the login page for xRDP is really small. Once logged in I had a similar issue but was able to set the display scale to 300% which looks normal on my screen. Is there a way to scale the login screen up in the same way?

Terrance avatar
id flag
You might have luck copying your `monitors.xml` file to the GDM3 config folder so that it matches your desktop. See: I know the answer was back in 2018, but it still works today. All you should have to do is copy the file and not edit it like the answer says.
Martin Brown avatar
jp flag
I tried this and it does not seem to have worked.
Terrance avatar
id flag
Make sure that the `monitors.xml` file is in the `/var/lib/gdm3/.config/` folder. You might need to run `sudo ls -al /var/lib/gdm3/.config/` to see if the file is there.
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