
How to fix swapfile problem having holes - Ubuntu 22.04?

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I have created a swapfile successfully, but when I am trying to:

"sudo swapon /swapfile" 

this is what I see:

"swapon: /swapfile1: skipping"

It appears to have holes.

How can I create a swapfile that doesn't have a hole?

hr flag
So how exactly did you create the swapfile?
C.S.Cameron avatar
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@steeldriver: Some people have had a problem with holes when using fallocate to create swapfiles. `sudo fallocate -l XG /swapfile`
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@C.S.Cameron hence my question ;)
C.S.Cameron avatar
cn flag
@steeldriver: I only know of two methods to create a swapfile, one is `fallocate` the other is `dd`. `Fallocate` is known to occasionally create holes, `dd` is not. The method using fallocate is given above in my comment, and the method using dd is given in my answer below. Do you have a preferred method to create swapfiles not mentioned? The OP has not confirmed their method.
hr flag
@C.S.Cameron I know far less about it than you - I've upvoted your answer, but unless the OP engages we're spinning our wheels
cn flag

Swapfile Holes

There is a slight possibility of getting holes in a swapfile when creating it with fallocate.

/var/log/syslog can be searched for the phrase swapon: swapfile has holes to ensure there will be no data loss.

A swap file can alternatively be created using dd:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1G count=8

An error when using dd may overwrite your HDD.

Nathan Nyawaya avatar
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I am still having the same problem, i tried using both fallocate and dd ...... still getting the error saying there is holes
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