
How to force Chrome to use "prefers-color-scheme dark" - not using the emulated dark mode from Chrome flags?

in flag

I would like to turn dark mode on for Chrome however, despite my system being set to dark mode, Chrome does not change websites as per their prefers-color-scheme query.

Suggestions in the previous questions point at using chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark to force dark mode, however this flag emulates dark mode on all websites - overriding and estimating what a dark mode would look like on that site.

enter image description here

This is undesirable. I am looking to have Chrome behave naturally as if it was informed that my system is using dark mode where, if a website doesn't have a dark mode configured, it won't be displayed as dark.

Is that possible?

sy flag

Had the same issue. Try to run it like this: /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode.
Here --force-dark-mode doesn't behave the same as chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark.
Here is a reference to update the default start command:


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