
sas hdd + ubuntu 18.04

za flag

I'm desperate cause i need to run a sas drive in a ubuntu 18.04 and i cannot because i know very little on linux/ubuntu. This pc has a controller sas fastrak tx2650 and ubuntu 18.04 . When i'm logged i run commands to list memory devices (fdisk -l and lsblk) but the hdd is not listed. If i run the hdd under window it is listed correctly. So what can i do? Is the controller not working in ubuntu? What can i do to let the hdd be shown as device? Totally confused. Please help me. Thank you.

in flag
There are [drivers for RedHat and SuSE Linux](, but nothing for Ubuntu (or Debian). You *may* be able to use the partially-open kernel driver, but that was made for a much older kernel than 18.04 uses. You may be on your own with this one ...
Terrance avatar
id flag
Promise Technologies is bad with Ubuntu drivers. However, you can run `sudo lshw -C storage` and see if Ubuntu had loaded a Kernel driver to see that controller. If not, you really might be on your own.
smecca avatar
za flag
$ sudo lshw -C storage [sudo] password ...: *-storage description: RAID bus controller product: PDC42819 [FastTrak TX2650/TX4650] vendor: Promise Technology, Inc. physical id: 0 bus info: pci@0000:02:00.0 version: 00 width: 32 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: storage pm pciexpress bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver-ahci latency- resources: irq:16 loport:cc00(size=128) ioport:c800(size=256) memory:fceff000-F ec0000-fcedffff memory: fcefc000-fcefdfff memory:fce80000-fcebffff ...
smecca avatar
za flag
It seems raid controller is detected? But now what can i do?
Terrance avatar
id flag
Can you please [edit]( your question and add that output? Also add the output of the commands `sudo fdisk -l` and `sudo parted -l`. There is still a chance that the `driver-ahci` may not be compatible with that controller. I honestly have not had good luck with Promise Technologies much after my DOS and Windows days, and Promise was one of my favorite hard drive controllers back in the day.
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