
My ubuntu terminal is frozen and I can't bring it back

ao flag

I installed this ng-commom and used the command script output.txt to save my terminal output to a file, but immediately after that my terminal froze. I have restarted the machine, turned off, and nothing seems to bring the terminal back.

It's like this, forever. I can't type anything, CTRL+C doesn't work, nor does CTRL+Q, nothing works... I don't know what else to do:


running on Ubuntu 22.04

Raffa avatar
jp flag
How did you install `ng-common`? … It might have messed up [`libtinfo6`]( installed version … Your terminal might not be frozen per se but rather not updating/refreshing correctly ... So try reinstalling Gnome terminal with `sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-terminal` e.g. through rescue mode.
hr flag
Are you sure the problem is with your terminal - rather than with the program that's running *inside* the terminal? Can you access the terminal's settings menu? If so, have you tried setting the command to a different shell (such as /bin/sh)?
asallan3 avatar
ao flag
@Raffa I installed ng-common with `sudo apt-get install ng-common` and then I ran `script output.txt`. Immediatelly after that, terminal stopped woking. Even if I turn off the machine and turn on again, problem's still there. Tried to run `sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-terminal` through recovery mode as root but it didn't solve the issue. It says "1 package reinstalled" but at the end it shows an error "unable to locate". I'm kind of hopeless here
Raffa avatar
jp flag
"unable to locate" ... You need to connect to internet first :-) then try reinstalling gnome-terminal
in flag

This solution worked for me:


  1. Go to /home/USER
  2. Show hidden files
  3. Open .bashrc
  4. Remove last line Angular ... source <>
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