
Sudo ask password for an app if it was typed in NOPASSWD option with visudo

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First of all, I have succeeded to eliminate sudo password from all apps simply: I create a new file in /etc/sudoers.d with sudo visudo -f /etc/sudors.myfile with the line:


it works well for all non ssh apps. But due to security reason I want to escape of sudo password only for app installed in /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/, but It not works. I put in myfile the line:

ghegheg ALL= NOPASSWD: /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/

but after type command /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ -s 50 it ask sudo password. I tried the same thing with other apps like: visudo,

ghegheg ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/visudo /sbin/visudo

and they idem asked sudo password, if previously with NOPASSWD: ALL didn't ask any password. I don't know what to do! I list below the output of sudo -l command:

User ghegheg may run the following commands on ...
    (ALL : ALL) ALL
    (root) NOPASSWD: /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/
hr flag
When you type command `/home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ -s 50`, sudo isn't involved at all - unless something *inside* the script invokes other commands via `sudo`?
Mitu Gabriel avatar
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Indeed the script contains ```sudo chown``` and ```sudo echo``` that cannot be modified to escape sudo password, maybe It is not recommended to do it. There is the script, ``````, I want to run this script on I3 at launch but It cannot because it ask for password. I don't know what to do.
hr flag
So what happens when you type `sudo /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ -s 50`? The `sudo`s inside the script should not need passwords since the UID will already be 0
Mitu Gabriel avatar
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I delete sudo before chown and echo command and it gives me next error: ``` chown: changing ownership of '/sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm1_enable': Operation not permitted chown: changing ownership of '/sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm1': Operation not permitted /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ line 63: /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm1_enable: Permission denied /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ line 64: /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm1: Permission denied```
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I believe Sudo reads permissions top to bottom, and stops as soon as it finds a match, based on the output from sudo -l above, ghegheg is part of a group that matches an earlier permission rule that grants sudo access with the rule (ALL : ALL) ALL therefore it is prompting you for a password, either remove ghegheg from the earlier match, or rearrange the rules so it matches your NOPASSWORD: rule first.

Mitu Gabriel avatar
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The permission is written separately into file in ```/etc/sudors.d/myfile```, so I don't think this matter. But, indeed, the app is a script that contain ```sudo chown``` and ```sudo echo```, I want to write in i3 config file something like ```exec --no-startup-id /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ -s 50``` to make this settings after pc launchs, but i3 doesn't see this line, perhaps it need user password, I don't know, I have to run script manually.
Mitu Gabriel avatar
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This is the script: link(
Luke Attard avatar
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when sudo is ran, it appends the extra files onto the main suderos file, then reads in the permissions. Similar to most linux system apps, and why you see a lot of dropin files will have a number prefix in their file name, to ensure the files are read in the correct order.
Luke Attard avatar
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if you run "sudo bash" does it ask for a password? if it does not, one way and normally I would not recommend this, is add a line at the top of your script, 'sudo bash < " ' (note the " after <. then close the string at the end with a ", then it will start a shell as root at the start of your script pass the rest of the script as a string to the shell created, therefore all the commands will be ran as root. But this is a hack at best, and is not recommended as a perm solution .
Mitu Gabriel avatar
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Unfortunately ```sudo bash``` ask me for password, in rest it is a good idea to start script into shell as root, but I don't know how, I have even tried what you said, but unfortunately without success, maybe because ```sudo bash``` asked for password. I don't know.
Luke Attard avatar
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is sudo bash asks for a Password it wont work unless you pass the password to the script.
Luke Attard avatar
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"in rest it is a good idea to start script into shell as root, but I don't know how, " To start a root shell, run "sudo bash" enter the password, and you will be in a root shell. "su" is another way to enter a root shell.
Luke Attard avatar
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I just had another look at your script, can you try in the sudoer file you created '/etc/sudors.myfile' change the line for your permissions to: ghegheg ALL= NOPASSWD: /home/ghegheg/Install/amdgpu-pro-fans/ /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/env The reason for the change is, the first line in your script instructs the shell to run your script with the /usr/bin/env it also has bash as an argument, therefore I am assuming it uses the bash shell, you need to have NOPASSWD permissions for both these programs/scripts, for it to run without prompting you for a password.
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