
squashfs errors and kernel offset errors on Ubuntu 20.04

jp flag

Ubuntu 20.04 shows SQUASHFS and Kernel Offset errors.

enter image description here

Pilot6 avatar
cn flag
Are you using a LiveUSB?
jp flag
no, did a dual boot with windows
guiverc avatar
cn flag
It reads like you're trying to boot *invalid live* media which exists on a *squash* file-system, thus the *squashfs* errors.. This will also occur if using a persistent *live* system which has now gone bad (the *live* system area anyway; any persistent data should be salvageable). Any errors such as the kernel panic are to be ignored as the results on the system are *undefined* after *squashfs* errors start to occur, so further errors can be expected depending on what the system was doing (if it was still booting bad system errors can occur causing panic)
guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: The duplicate I tagged refers to install; but the error applies to any *live* environment, be it one you're installing from, or just using (persistence or no-persistence).
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