
Permission denied (publickey,password) Apache in Ubuntu 20.04LTS

cn flag

I obtain the above mentioned error "Permission denied (publickey,password)" when trying to connect with ssh using my apache server. The framework I have used is Django and when deploying it locally (with python) the ssh communication works perfectly. However, when I deploy it with apache on every ssh, scp communication I obtain the error.

This is what I have tried so far:

  1. Proper ssh key. It asks me for the passphrase the first time I connect via terminal or with the py deployment server

  2. Permission of ~/.ssh folder is 700, ~/.ssh/id_rsa is 600, and ~/.ssh/ is 644

  3. I have changed both the owner of the key to www-data and the user of apache to my sudo

  4. Disabled password authentication on the server

Any help is much appreciated!

uz flag
Use `ssh -v` or even `ssh -v -v` to get more details of the failing login procedure.
Angel del Pino avatar
cn flag
Thanks. I tried and what I obtained is `debug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: No such device or address`. I was thinking that client is unable to open a terminal device to read the passphrase for the private key, therefore I added the key manually by `eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add /path/to/private_key`, but the problem still persists. Do you know if there is any way to run this command alongside Apache?
uz flag
See [this]( What does `ls -la /dev/tty` show?
Angel del Pino avatar
cn flag
According to the post above mentioned, I obtain the correct permissions `crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Feb 14 09:35 /dev/tty`. I have even changed the owner of the `tty` folder from `root` to the apache service `www-data`, and still not working
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