
Acer nitro 5 crashes frequently on Ubuntu 22.04

pa flag

I use an Acer nitro 5 (amd chip) using Ubuntu 22.04 lts. Often the screen hangs, I can't use anything other than using the power button to shutdown and restart. I think the problem may be due to my NVIDIA driver problem. My GPU: GTX 1650 4GB NVIDIA This is the driver that i installed for my computer. I'm looking forward to help because crashes are very common and cause a lot of problems for me. Thank you

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ar flag
Edit your question and add which GPU your laptop has.
HuanTH avatar
pa flag
I've update GPU in my qs
mchid avatar
bo flag
How much RAM do you have?
mchid avatar
bo flag
Also, are the fans working?
HuanTH avatar
pa flag
ram 16GB, fans is working
na flag

I had the same issue, so I downgraded Nvidia drivers to version 525 and it works! Don't forget to uninstall the installed drivers before.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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