
create a shortcut that launches file.exe when that shortcut is in the same folder as the file.exe

ni flag
To create a shortcut that launches ds4.exe in the same folder as the exe file, you can use relative paths for Windows shortcuts. This way, you don’t need to worry about different file paths when switching computers. Here’s how you can do it:

1 - Right-click on your exe file and select “Create Shortcut”.

2- Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select “Properties”.

3- In the “Target” field, add “.\ds4.exe” (without quotes) at the end of the path.

4- Click “OK” to save your changes.

This should create a shortcut that launches ds4.exe in the same folder as the exe file. Let me know if this helps!

this was what i want but didn't work for a reason .

I want to create a shortcut that can launch an exe file (lets call it file.exe) but the dir may change because i want to share this shortcut but i don't know where they put file.exe so is there a way to set the dir to current location of the shortcut ?

guiverc avatar
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You've provided no OS/release details; but Ubuntu does not use `.exe` files so your question makes little sense. It also appears this is homework. Please clarify how your question relates to this site? (

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