
Passing multiple file patterns to grep

jp flag

I have a sequence of search patterns stored in a bash array (ptrn), which I want to pass to a grep command. How can I do it?

  ptrn=("FN" "DS")
  for fl in "$@"; do  # loop through number of files
    if [[ -f "$fl" ]]; then
      printf '\n%s%s%s\n\n' "$mgn" "==>  $flnm  <==" "$rst"
      grep --color "$ptrn" "$flnm"
petep avatar
in flag
Use ${ptrn[@]} for grepping
jp flag
Does not seem to be enough because I get `grep: DS: No such file or directory`. It is thinking that the pattern is a file.
petep avatar
in flag
Try "${ptrn[@]}" instead for grep
jp flag
Same problem. Does not recognise as a search pattern.
petep avatar
in flag
How about grep "${ptrn[0]}\|${ptrn[-1]}" . First and last.
jp flag
Have done this `pa=$(printf '%s\|' "${ptrn[@]}")` followed by `grep --color -E "$pa" "$flnm"`. But nothing gets printed.
cn flag

How about giving the patterns to grep through a sub-shell, e.g.:

grep -f <(printf "%s\n" "${ptrn[@]}") FILE...
Raffa avatar
jp flag
You mean `bash` specific process substitution syntax `<(...)` ... That is smart, processing array elements into newlines and reading by `grep` as a file of patterns ... If, however, you quote the expansion of the array i.e. `<(printf "%s\n" "${ptrn[@]}")` , then each element will be passed as a single token, which might be desirable to preserve exact spaces ... +1
hr flag
Even without process substitution, you could do `printf "%s\n" "${ptrn[@]}" | grep -f - FILE` (of course, assumes you are not grepping stdin itself)
jp flag
I confirm that quoting the expansion of the array is required.
jp flag

If your patterns/words stored as array elements are guaranteed to not have spaces or non-escaped shell special characters in them, then you can use bash's parameter expansion to pass the array elements to grep as separate individual patterns e.g. -e FN -e DS ... like so:

ptrn=("FN" "DS")

# Prepend "-e" to each array element
ptrn2="${ptrn[@]/#/-e }"

# Don't quote "$ptrn2" or it will be passed as a single token and wouldn't work.
grep --color $ptrn2 file

Or if they might contain non-escaped shell special characters, you can build the regular expressions around |(or) (splitting on all spaces as well but not failing) and use it with something like:

ptrn=("FN" "DS")

# Translate spaces " " single or multiple including spaces between words in a single array element into "|".
ptrn2="$(echo ${ptrn[@]} | tr " " "|")"

# -E enables extended regular expressions ... needed for this to work.
grep --color -E "$ptrn2" file

Or to preserve exact spaces inside each regular expression pattern passing each array element as an individual token and building an extended regular expression of them using the |(logical or), you can do something like this:

ptrn=("FN" "DS")

# Append "|" to each array element.
ptrn2="$(printf '%s|' "${ptrn[@]}")"

# Delete the last character i.e. the extra "|".

# -E enables extended regular expressions ... needed for this to work.
grep --color -E "$ptrn2" file
jp flag
I want the search pattern to be any allowable regex, with exact strings only being a special case. This means that the demand of not to have spaces in the patterns is too restrictive.
jp flag
Would that not be the same as `pa=$(printf '%s\|' "${ptrn[@]}")`?
jp flag
Something specific to bash must be going on because `grep -E "## FN|## DS" ./firefly.rc` works perfectly fine.
jp flag
Got things to work by removing the first `"|"`. Therefore `pa=$(printf '|%s' "${ptrn[@]}") ; pa="${pa:1}"`.
Raffa avatar
jp flag
@Backy Well done :-) ... I added extra info to the answer.
jp flag
There also exists the capability of using the `-e` flag multiple times up to the desired number of search patterns.
jp flag
How could I possibly handle the supply of multiple `-e PATTERN` expressions ?
Raffa avatar
jp flag
@Backy Other than the example in my answer. .. IIRC `-e` can also be passed as an option with `-f` to read patterns from file
jp flag
In a loop I could do `ptrn[$i]="-e ${ptrn[$i]}"`. But I wonder whether blanks in the array element could be misinterpreted, as the `-e` would not be passed separately to the pattern.
us flag

Two options:

  • Standards-compliant way: Join the patterns with newline and provide it as single argument:

    grep -e "$(printf "%s\n" "${ptrn[@]}")" ...

    (This feature is specified by the POSIX standard: "The pattern_list's value shall consist of one or more patterns separated by <newline> characters ...")

  • Non-standard, but still safe way: When using a shell with arrays, like, e.g., bash, build an array of arguments to grep:

    for p in "${ptrn[@]}"
       args+=(-e "$p")
    grep "${args[@]}" ...

    This is safe from field-splitting and globbing, and in general is how command lines should be built from variables.

jp flag
I would that say that storing in a single string, for instance: `mptrn=$( printf -- ' -e %s' "${ptrn[@]}" ) ; grep "$mptrn" ..` introduces certain problems.
muru avatar
us flag
Yes, but that's irrelevant to my answer.
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