I've just got my new PC. Unfortunately I still need a dual boot.
Hence I installed Windows 11 first, then Ubuntu 22.10 and all went fine.
By the way here my storage settings:
SSD 500 GB
- 260 MB EFI partition
- 500 MB recovery
- 220 GB Windows
- 244 GB Ubuntu /
SSD 500 GB
- 93 GB ext4 /home
- 372 GB ext4 <-- the one I formatted to NTFS in Windows
For some days I used the system in this way and I could boot both OSs. Then, from Windows, I had to format the last partition to NTFS. It was just some empty space I left for data storage. It was on the other SSD (not the system one and not where GRUB was installed).
After this operation, on power up Windows boots directly, i.e. no more GRUB.
I restored GRUB with boot-repair and I gained again the boot menu. But now, when I try to boot Ubuntu every time it fails. It first comes up with a very strange message:

It makes no sense since it's just after POST and GRUB. And I have 32 GB of RAM...
Then it always checks errors on hard-drive and ends up in maintenance mode:

From this point I can do nothing but hard reset the machine.
In fact, trying to continue in default mode just returns back to this message. The systemctl reboot does nothing. I tried to inspect the journactl as suggested but it's a HUGE file and I'm not sure what I have to look for.
Is there a way to recover my system or I need to install again Ubuntu from scratch?
But most important: should I not even format a drive in Windows to avoid this mess?