
Main sound device disappears in "jack" plug

sm flag

I have a laptop with "jack" audio output. When I plug my headphones in, I expect to have two sound device - main laptop speaker and headphones, any of which I can select in my settings. But the "speaker" sound device disappears. Can I have two devices?

Ubuntu version is 22.04.

David avatar
cn flag
What happens when you unplug the headphones? It would also be a good idea to add the version of Ubuntu to the question with the edit command.
Yaroslav B avatar
sm flag
I have single speaker device again. To be precise, "Speaker - Family 17h HD Audio controller".
David avatar
cn flag
That may be how your hardware works, it turns off one when you plug in the other. Some do work that way. Still waiting for the version of Ubuntu.
Yaroslav B avatar
sm flag
I guess no, because Windows on the same laptop accepts both devices and switches with software between ones. (I updated the version in the question, it is 22.04)
David avatar
cn flag
You should also add what you said about it works in Windows. Any help you get is as good as the info provided.
Sadaharu Wakisaka avatar
pl flag
Try pulseaudio volume control `sudo apt install pavucontrol`
Yaroslav B avatar
sm flag
If anyone is interested, I reinstalled my Ubunti with xubuntu+cinnabon, and its "Volume Control" can swich it.
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