
My HDD not showing up in Ubuntu(22.10)

wf flag

Hi I'm very new to Ubuntu, and I tried searching for this problem but couldn't find any suitable solution.

I have two disks in my machine. I wiped windows and installed Ubuntu. I didn't do anything extra while installing just followed the reccomended installation procedure. I chose "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" and didn't set up encryption. I can't seem to access the other disk.It doesn't show in Disk Usage Analyzer.

It doesn't show in the ubuntu command line.

Edit: Hey matigo, I tried sudo lsblk -f and got this:

│    vfat   FAT32       D80D-C48D                             504.9M     1% /boot/efi
     ext4   1.0         6bb4ca7d-2460-43d5-8a2d-7458e13e75f4  407.7G     6% /var/snap/firefox/common/host-hunspell

also: forsudo fdisk -l | grep sd (probs just the same thing, but sorry no idea)

Disk /dev/sda: 465.76 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
/dev/sda1     2048   1050623   1048576   512M EFI System
/dev/sda2  1050624 976771071 975720448 465.3G Linux filesystem
in flag
Welcome to AskUbuntu. Could you [edit] your question to show the output of this command: `sudo lsblk -f`. This will show all storage devices in the machine as well as their file systems and mount points
matt avatar
wf flag
Editting the post somehow messed up the images, sorry.
in flag
Silly question, but does the other disk appear in your system's UEFI/BIOS? Is it a SATA device or is it NVMe?
matt avatar
wf flag
@matigo I'm sorry, I've no idea. How can I check that? It used to work alright with windows and I just installed Ubuntu so I'm not sure. Also how can I check if the "other disk appear in your system's UEFI/BIOS"? I'm so sorry that I don't know these things.
matt avatar
wf flag
I did a hardware diagnostics in UEFI and came okay
matt avatar
wf flag
hi @matigo lspci shows a SATA controller, did you mean that?
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