
Wrong keyboard layout Ubuntu 22 Spanish

tr flag

I tried all combinations, even copying the configuration from another laptop which is the same, I don't know what's wrong with this machine. It's a Thinkpad T15 Gen2, I'm attaching a screenshot of the actual keyboard: enter image description here

I tried all Spanish combinations. The layout now shows this: enter image description here

I even tried setting a generic keyboard doing sudo dpgb-reconfigure keyboard-configuration.

What's the issue and how to fix it?

David avatar
cn flag
Ubuntu 22 would be Ubuntu Core 22. If it is not please edit the question with the correct version info.
Gunnar Hjalmarsson avatar
uz flag
Is that Thinkpad keybord really designed for Spanish speaking users?
Daniel Tkach avatar
tr flag
@David I don't know if it's "core" or not. What's the difference? And how do I check?
Daniel Tkach avatar
tr flag
@GunnarHjalmarsson yes it is, as long as it has the ñ, it's perfect for Spanish, why do you ask?
Gunnar Hjalmarsson avatar
uz flag
Ah, I didn't notice the ñ. It looks like there is no XKB layout which matches your physical keyboard exactly. So you can either live with the differences or create a modified personal keyboard layout.
Sadaharu Wakisaka avatar
pl flag
Welcome to AskUbuntu. If I were you, I just edit `/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/es`. Please don't forget copy file and keep the original.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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