
Howto install Arduino IDE 2.0 from the ZIP version on Ubuntu 22? (without

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This question has been asked before on the forum and is about the missing file in the .ZIP file of the current version (As of April 2023 it is 2.0.4).

This "inconvenience" has been reported here...

Please point me to installation instructions for the new RC3. The download (64bit Linux) does not contain an file to do the install with. I have searched for instructions but they all seem to apply to older versions that DO contain the file. [...]

...but was not solved by the canonical answer which only applies to the AppImage version.

How could an for the zipped 2.0.x version look like?

Sohan Arafat avatar
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Do you want to install it or do you want to use it from a folder?
zx485 avatar
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@SohanArafat: This question/answer is about the ZIP file version. It is _not_ about the AppImage version. My answer only makes the extracted contents of the ZIP file more comfortable to use by integrating them into the Ubuntu desktop system.
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One approach to register the Arduino IDE 2.0 with the (K)Ubuntu Desktop is the following. It is not expressed as a complete script, but rather as distinct steps:

  1. Download the ZIP file of current (dev) version of the Arduino IDE 2.0.4 to ~/Downloads (Of course, change the name in the following to the actual version)

  2. Execute the following

    cd /opt
    sudo unzip ~/Downloads/
    sudo ln -s arduino-ide_2.0.4_Linux_64bit/arduino-ide arduino-ide

    The last line makes it easier to change the installed version without changing the rest. Now you could just link to new versions by changing only the link.

  3. Create directories for shortcuts and icons in your home directory. This is not mandatory, but can be applied to unify the approach for other programs as well.

    mkdir ~/.Desktop.Shortcuts
    mkdir ~/.Desktop.Icons
  4. Download and add this PNG Icon to ~/.Desktop.Icons.

  5. Add the following text as file Arduino-IDE.desktop in ~/.Desktop.Shortcuts:

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name[en_US]=Arduino IDE
    Name=Arduino IDE
  6. Create two symbolic links to the Arduino-IDE.desktop file:

    1. Create a desktop symbol:

      sudo ln -s $HOME/.Desktop.Shortcuts/Arduino-IDE.desktop $HOME/Desktop/Arduino-IDE.desktop
    2. Register as system app:

      sudo ln -s $HOME/.Desktop.Shortcuts/Arduino-IDE.desktop /usr/share/applications/Arduino-IDE.desktop
  7. Finally add your user to the dialup group to grant access to the serial ports.

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(whoami)

Now you should have integrated the contents of the ZIP file in your Ubuntu system like the script did.


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