
Setting local variables from array elements

jp flag

I am passing the variable akms to the function named sufx. I am able te correctly capture the second array element and set the variable fskl.

I want the capability of setting the variable verbiage according to the numeric value of -v. How can I do this for the function sufx ? Currently verbiage is just taking a string value.

akms=("-v 3" "INCLUDE")
sufx akms

Here is the function

sufx ()
  typeset -n _akms="$1"

  ## Capture INCLUDE or EXCLUDE option for grep
  local fskl="" verbiage=0
  for s in "${_akms[@]}"; do
     case $s in
       ("XCL"|"INCL"|"INCLUDE") fskl="INCLUDE" ;;
       ("NCL"|"EXCL"|"EXCLUDE") fskl="EXCLUDE" ;;
       (*) verbiage=${s#*-v} ;;

jp flag

I guess, you mean:

  1. How to check if an array element is of the pattern -v then "anything" then "numeric character/s" ... You can do this using a sub-string regular expression match with bash's extended test brackets and the =~ regex operator i.e. [[ "$element" =~ regex ]].

  2. How to extract only the numeric characters of a string stored in a parameter ... You can do this using bash's parameter expansion to exclude all non-numeric characters with e.g. "${parameter//[^0-9]}".

So, combining the above two methods:

$ array=("-v 3" "INCLUDE")

$ for i in "${array[@]}"
  if [[ "$i" =~ "-v".*[0-9]{1,} ]]
    echo "$var"
    echo "$((var+2))"

# Output:

Or, using a globbing pattern with case ... esac for example:

$ array=("-v 3" "INCLUDE")

$ for i in "${array[@]}"
  case "$i" in
   [-][v]*[0-9] ) var="${i//[^0-9]}" && echo -e "$var\n$((var+2))" ;;

# Output

Please also see Can globbing be used to search file contents?

jp flag
I would like to use a glob pattern that I can use within the case statement I am using.
jp flag
Have included `(-v([[:blank:]])+([0-9])+) verbiage="${s//[^0-9]}" ;;` in the case statement, but there is some syntax problem with it.
Raffa avatar
jp flag
@Backy That is a regular expression pattern and not a globbing pattern … please see the linked post for how to use globbing patterns with `case` and how to use regular expression patterns with extended test brackets `[[ … =~ … ]]`
Raffa avatar
jp flag
@Backy I added an example with `case ... esac`
jp flag
Quite right, the special characters go in front of the bracket expressions.
hr flag

I'd suggest passing the "-v 3" string as a separate option letter + option argument "-v" "3". Then you can use the bash shell's built-in option parser getopts to process them:

sufx ()
    typeset -n _akms="$1"

    local verbiage=0 fskl="" 

    ## process option arguments
    local OPTIND=1
    while getopts ':v:' opt "${_akms[@]}"
        case $opt in
            (v) verbiage=$OPTARG
            (*) echo "unkown option: $opt" 1>&2
    ## process remaining non-option arguments
    for s in "${_akms[@]:$((OPTIND-1))}"
        case $s in
           ("XCL"|"INCL"|"INCLUDE") fskl="INCLUDE"
           ("NCL"|"EXCL"|"EXCLUDE") fskl="EXCLUDE"

The usage becomes

akms=("-v" "3" "INCLUDE")

sufx akms

You could even use akms=("-v" "3" -- "INCLUDE") to explicitly mark the end of options (which would allow you to use non-option arguments starting with a dash).

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