
Ubuntu 20.04 focal + Lenovo P15s = Rendering artifacts, disappearing images in Chrome

in flag

We have several P15s in the company, all of them fully updated. No custom drivers installed, vanilla Ubuntu installation that was updated using apt update & apt upgrade

Chrome rendering artifacts and even disappearing PNGs are experienced. Problem solved when hardware acceleration in Chrome is disabled in settings.

Help appreciated greatly :)


Regards Jonathan

black spots artifacts

David avatar
cn flag
Seems have found the issue hardware acceleration n Chrome.
Jonathan Carse avatar
in flag
@David the issue is the artifacts. Disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome is not a solution, it slows Chrome down incredibly making it unusable. Thanks --J
David avatar
cn flag
That might be something you want to bring up to the people that make Chrome.
Jonathan Carse avatar
in flag
The fact that turning off hardware acceleration in Chrome makes the problem go away does not mean it's a problem in Chrome. The more likely explanation is that there's a GPU driver issue.

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