
What does it means: Warning from XXX: apparmor_parser: File 'XXX' missing feature abi, falling back to default policy feature abi

de flag

After a dist upgrade, I get a lot of warnings like this one:

Warning from /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient (/etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient line 4): apparmor_parser: File '/etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient' missing feature abi, falling back to default policy feature abi

  1. what does it means? Google does not help, or I was not able to search it well
  2. is it a problem?
  3. if so, how can I fix it?
pl flag
What version of Ubuntu are you using, and what kernel? Please paste the output of `lsb_release -a` and `uname -a` in your question above.
hr flag
[This]( seems like it might be relevant - in particular [What if policy is missing an abi rule](
Marco Sulla avatar
de flag
@steeldriver So if I understood well, it seems that simply the policies are not updated to Apparmor 3. I suppose I can fix nothing. If you post an answer, I'll accept it.
co flag
It's probably worth a bug report, please consider filing one against `isc-dhcp-client`.
de flag

Per steeldriver's comment, this means that the file is an AppArmor policy and it's not up to date to AppArmor v3, so AppArmor falls back to the v2 policy.


cn flag

It's just a poorly worded warning message. The way I interpret the official documentation is that the actual intent of this message is

Warning from /etc/apparmor.d/sbin.dhclient line 4: apparmor_parser: missing AppArmor ABI version declaration, defaulting to ABI version 2. This is probably okay if this was policy originally written for an older version of AppArmor.

If I had been designing this system, I would have simply defined that missing version declaration always means version 2 and never ever emit this warning.


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