
"/dev/sda6: Clean, 230564/2318336 files, 3664252/9250048 blocks" at Ubuntu boot page with some ACPI BIOS errors

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I completely removed my 8GB swap and added its volume to my root partition. Now I just have root and home partitions. When I boot, I see some unimportant ACPI BIOS Errors followed by a line that says /dev/sda6: Clean, 230564/2318336 files, 3664252/9250048 blocks (/dev/sda6 is my root partition).

enter image description here

What is this line for? is there any problem with my disk partitions? How to solve it?

karel avatar
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Does this answer your question? ["dev/sda1: clean, ..." This message appears after I startup my laptop, then it won't continue booting](

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