
Warnings & Errors when launching Emacs from WSL

ru flag

I have a WSL Ubuntu system with systemd enabled. I also configured snap and installed my Emacs using snap.

When I start Emacs from WSL console, I can see the GUI and use Emacs. But I got the following errors and messages.

The Emacs instance seems to be fully functional. So, I think the errors/warnings are not critical. But I wonder if I can fix or disable whatever function triggers them.

(emacs:587975): dbind-WARNING **: 18:37:34.363: AT-SPI: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files

(emacs:587975): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 18:37:34.405: g_settings_schema_source_lookup: assertion 'source != NULL' failed
vn flag

Short answer:

sudo apt install gvfs at-spi2-core

More detail:

The error messages are due to a few missing D-bus services. Usually, these services would be installed with and started under the Desktop environment (Ubuntu Desktop/Gnome, Xfce4, etc.), but that doesn't happen in WSL. WSL's "desktop" is really Windows itself 1. While it's possible to get a Linux desktop running in WSL2 (see other answers), it's hacky and not needed to answer your particular question.

To fix the warnings, you may have to do a few things. First, the "must have" -- Install the missing services. The services that Emacs is trying to reach, according to the warnings, are:

  • GIO: The Gnome I/O Framework. This is typically a dependency of applications that utilize GVFS (Gnome Virtual Filesystem), a service which allows end-users to access some virtual filesystems in user-space. For example, the "Trashcan" feature in Ubuntu uses GVFS so that, when you delete a file from a GVFS/GIO application, it gets moved to the Trash instead of immediately removed forever. Apparently, Emacs uses GIO and/or GVFS in some way (although I don't know if it uses the Trash function).

  • AT-SPI: The Assisted Technology Service Provider Interface. I'll be honest -- I had to look this one up myself. It's an interface for Accessibility features, such as screen readers, braille, eye-trackers, etc. Without some higher level service (such as a screen-reader), it probably won't be used. But that's the same with GIO, honestly -- Typically it's some higher-level functionality (like GVFS) that uses GIO.

So to resolve the error messages:

sudo apt install gvfs at-spi2-core

This will install GVFS (which will include GIO as a dependency) and AT-SPI.

Personally, I'm seeing a few other errors, but I think those are due to my own configuration issues, especially based on your comment. For now, I'm editing the other error messages out of this answer.


1 Technically, it's Weston, running an RDP/Rails shell that uses the Windows Remote Desktop client to view the application on the Windows desktop. However, for most users, the end-result is simply that it looks like the Linux GUI application is running on the Windows desktop.

David S. avatar
ru flag
I installed the packages, and the errors are gone, and I don't get the `libGL` error or the wrong user permission issue. Do you have the Docker desktop with WSL integration? I remember the `/run/user/UID` issue is caused by the integration.
NotTheDr01ds avatar
vn flag
@DavidS. I do have Docker Desktop, but I after some debugging last night that it's (oddly) the fact that I have `tmux` as my shell in that distribution that is resetting `/run/user/`. Not sure why that is, but I was just coming back to edit that part out of here, since most people won't have that corner case ;-).
David S. avatar
ru flag
Thanks. After I restart my laptop, I also got the `libGL error: MESA-LOADER` error. But it doesn't repeat until reboot.
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