
No access to system settings from GUI in Ubuntu 22.04

cn flag

I use Ubuntu 22.04 and I have no access to any system settings through my graphical user interface, include display settings, power settings, periphery devices, etc. How can I address this issue.

One way of solving this problem might be a system upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10, but in fact I would like to prefer to stay with the LTS version. I would probably be able to access certain settings through the terminal, but this seems rather impractical. Maybe a simple command or a few lines in the terminal will fix the problem, but I have no clue how to do this.

pl flag
Has it ever worked, or did it just break recently? This can happen if packages are missing. Try reinstalling the base set with `sudo apt update` then `sudo apt full-upgrade` and then `sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^` - with the caret (`^`).
Tintin avatar
cn flag
It broke recently. No idea how it happend.
Tintin avatar
cn flag
@popey I did what you suggested and it worked! Would you like to post it as an answer yourself? Or shall I put it into an answer if you permit me to do so?
pl flag
If you still have the terminal open, can you see what got installed? That would help us understand what causes this.
Tintin avatar
cn flag
I still have it open, but there are many pages in the terminal, so cannot print in the forum directly...
pl flag
If you can paste it to somewhere like the debian pastebin, then give us the link, that would be very helpful.
pl flag
Thanks! That's a ton of stuff that got re-added. Any idea what you may have tried to remove previously which caused this? Perhaps `history | grep apt | grep remove` may help
Tintin avatar
cn flag
looks like I did this: `sudo apt remove --purge alsa-base pulseaudio`. I am deleting my comment regarding pastebin.
pl flag
Perfect, exactly what I needed, thank you!
pl flag

This can happen if packages are missing. Try reinstalling the base set with sudo apt update then sudo apt full-upgrade and then sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop^ - with the caret (^).

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