
Are these packages safe to remove

ws flag

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 first off. I run apt/apt-get commands and I get the following message.

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  accountsservice-ubuntu-schemas bamfdaemon indicator-applet indicator-application indicator-appmenu indicator-bluetooth indicator-common indicator-datetime indicator-keyboard indicator-messages
  indicator-power indicator-printers indicator-session indicator-sound jayatana libaccounts-glib0 libbamf3-2 libfcitx-config4 libfcitx-gclient1 libfcitx-utils0 libgnome-panel0 libido3-0.1-0 libindicator3-7
  liblightdm-gobject-1-0 libunity-gtk2-parser0 libunity-gtk3-parser0 libunity-settings-daemon1 lightdm python3-psutil ubuntu-touch-sounds unity-greeter unity-gtk-module-common unity-gtk2-module
  unity-gtk3-module unity-settings-daemon unity-settings-daemon-schemas

Usually I would just run an apt-get autoremove and clear this list, but this one in particular seems like it wants to remove really important stuff. If I uninstall this, will it affect me at all?

For the record I temporarily installed lxde and removed it later along with some other software that came with it. That was 2 days ago, about 4 updates+upgrades and an apt-get autoremove. The list was cleared prior. These are new to the list and I wanna make sure I'm not doing anything stupid.

The only thing I can think of that would trigger this was installing xserver-xorg-video-dummy, but uninstalling that doesn't change anything.

jp flag

As long as you do so with autoremove and don't remove those packages explicitly with remove package-name, it should be totally safe.

autoremove only removes no longer needed/required dependencies/packages that were installed automatically(i.e by the package management system and not manually by a user) ... This is clearly stated in man apt-get:

autoremove (and the auto-remove alias since 1.1)
  autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically installed
  to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now no longer needed.

However, the apt informative message:

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

Is merely informative and you don't have to run autoremove if you so wish.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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