
ALC4080 Codec mic detection problems in Ubuntu 22.04

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I recently built a PC and dual booted Ubuntu and windows. To hear the audio coming out of my PC I use a headset that includes a mic. It has the two connectors that you plug into your computer one for mic and one for the headset. When I plug everything in on windows it operates 100% fine, but when I switch to Ubuntu it outputs audio to the headset but the mic does not work. I eventually realized that the audio out from the computer is being fed into the mic in line. When I go on discord and play a song they can hear the song, but not me. In addition the mic does not pick up any sound at all. I looked extensively online and could not find any solutions for this. I have the Realtek® ALC4080 Codec on my motherboard and I am going to include screenshots from some basic programs I found online that are helpful for debugging I believe.

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I tried to reinstall drivers and I looked for the driver on however I did not see it.


try this

curl -L -o alsa-ucm-conf.tar.gz

tar xvzf alsa-ucm-conf.tar.gz -C /usr/share/alsa --strip-components=1 --wildcards "*/ucm" "*/ucm2"
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