
How to get value of synclient parameter?

cn flag

synclient enables you to change its parameters' values, e.g.:

synclient TouchpadOff=0

Is there a possibility to access the value, print it, for instance?

I'd like to be able to set a value depending on the current value, e.g.:

synclient TouchpadOff=abs($TouchpadOff.value - 1)
ng flag

synclient or synclient -l then cut it from there.

toggle_value=$(synclient -l | awk '$1=="TouchpadOff" {print 2-$(NF)}')
synclient TouchpadOff=$toggle_value
maciejwww avatar
cn flag
Thanks, but there is a mistake somewhere. avatar
ng flag
@maciejwww could you add output of `synclient -l` to the question? Do `synclient TouchpadOff=1` & `synclient TouchpadOff=0` works as direct commands?
maciejwww avatar
cn flag
Yes, they work. avatar
ng flag
@maciejwww probably missed `echo` in first command, updated the answer
Raffa avatar
jp flag
You probably want `toggle_value=$(echo "1 - $(synclient -l | awk '$1=="TouchpadOff" {printf "%d", $(NF)}')" | bc)` ... Also I think you can do the arithmetic in bash without `bc`
cn flag

I found out an answer thank to answer:

touchpadoff_value=$(synclient -l | awk '$1=="TouchpadOff" {print $(NF)}'); (( tmp_value =  $touchpadoff_value - 1 )); synclient TouchpadOff=${tmp_value#-}
  • to obtain TouchpadOff value:
$(synclient -l | awk '$1=="TouchpadOff" {print $(NF)}')
  • to get absolute value of tmp_value:
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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