
Centering the gnome terminal or console window on start-up

tv flag

Using Ubuntu 22.04, I want either my gnome terminal or console to start centered on the screen. Bard AI told me to use this command: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences center-new-windows true

I got an error message that the key doesn't exist which I confirmed by using the gsettings list commands.

So how do I accomplish my goal?

David avatar
cn flag
Who is this? Bard AI told me to use this command:
user3261738 avatar
tv flag
Bard AI is google's AI program. It explained subsequently that the "center-new-windows" key only works in the latest release of Ubuntu - not in 22.04.
pierrely avatar
cn flag
xdotool run as a startup script. might delay it, or loop , to wait for your startup apps to start. thwen along these lines, but with a position center (if that is an xdotool option, or get your screen res. xdotool getdisplaygeometry and do maths on that to centre).. Annot, replace with terminal name. name=$(ps -A | grep Annot) id=$(echo $name | cut -c1-6) echo "$id" i=$(xdotool search --pid "$id") xdotool getwindowname "$i" xdotool windowactivate --sync "$i" xdotool windowsize "$i" 1000 1050
tv flag

The answer is to not use gnome-terminal in the first place. I installed Sakura terminal emulator and it works great. You've also got to use a desktop entry file that calls Sakura instead of gnome-terminal. Apparently Ubuntu's next release will improve on gnome but there is no way to simply upgrade 22.04 LTS.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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