
Why are kernel updates no longer categorized as "security updates" in focal?

in flag

After upgrading to Focal, I noticed that kernel updates show up in the GUI under "other updates" instead of "security updates". This can lead to delayed notification of critical security fixes, as these updates usually include CVE mitigations.

Screenshot of GUI update notification with kernel update under "other updates"

apt list --upgradable seems to suggest that these updates are no longer part of the focal-security repository? Why? Can this be worked around by configuration, to restore the previous behavior?

~$ apt list --upgradable
Listing... Done
firefox-locale-de/focal-updates,focal-security 112.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 112.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1]
firefox-locale-en/focal-updates,focal-security 112.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 112.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1]
firefox/focal-updates,focal-security 112.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 amd64 [upgradable from: 112.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.20.04.1]
linux-generic/focal-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-headers-generic/focal-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-image-generic/focal-updates amd64 [upgradable from:]
linux-libc-dev/focal-updates 5.4.0-148.165 amd64 [upgradable from: 5.4.0-147.164]
tzdata/focal-updates,focal-updates 2023c-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 all [upgradable from: 2023c-0ubuntu0.20.04.0]

~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
###### Ubuntu Main Repos
deb focal main restricted universe multiverse

###### Ubuntu Update Repos
deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse

###### Ubuntu Partner Repo
deb focal partner

/etc/update-manager$ grep -r . *
meta-release:URI =
meta-release:URI_LTS =
meta-release:URI_UNSTABLE_POSTFIX = -development
meta-release:URI_PROPOSED_POSTFIX = -proposed


release-upgrades.d/ubuntu-advantage-upgrades.cfg:PostInstallScripts=./, /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/

release-upgrades.d/allow-third-party.cfg:AllowThirdParty = yes
cn flag

The Ubuntu Security Team is not yet done working the package. Then it will show up in the security repo.

The image you included has a Launchpad bug number. That bug shows the workflow of this CVE mitigation.

And here's what that workflow says, as of today:

enter image description here

stephan_is_confused avatar
in flag
Ah, I see. So that's why, when I use `apt-policy` now as as @artur-meinild suggested, I can't find any of the recent kernel updates not being in focal-security, although I definitely saw this happen before.
vn flag

After some research, it appears that this will vary according to the type of kernel update. I've recently installed linux-image-5.15.0-71-generic as kernel update, and I get this information:

$ apt policy linux-image-5.15.0-71-generic
  Installed: 5.15.0-71.78
  Candidate: 5.15.0-71.78
  Version table:
 *** 5.15.0-71.78 500
        500 jammy-updates/main amd64 Packages
        500 jammy-security/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

So here it's evident that this kernel update also includes security patches (CVEs), since it's part of both jammy-updates and jammy-security.

However, if this is not the case, then I would assume that the kernel update is only added to the jammy-updates repository. This would be the case if the update mainly contains bugfixes or other backported features that are not directly security related (no CVEs).

stephan_is_confused avatar
in flag
That might be the intention - however, this update did include at least one CVE (see screenshot), and I noticed the same with at least one previous kernel update.
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
This should still be correct in general. For this specific scenario, please see the other answer.
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