
Disable Touchscreen Dell XT3 on Ubuntu 23.04

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Laptop Make and Model

  • Dell Latitude XT3
  • Memory : 4 GB
  • Processor : Intel® Core™ i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz × 4
  • Graphics : Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 3000 (SNB GT2)

The Problem

  • Touchscreen becomes glitchy and clicks randomly and does not allow control of mouse cursor.

  • As a result I am unable to login sometimes, because i am unable to type to password in the password box at login.

  • After Log in, I usually disable my faulty touch screen on my laptop using the below command

    xinput set-prop "N-Trig Touchscreen" "Device Enabled" 0 xinput set-prop "N-Trig MultiTouch" "Device Enabled" 0 xinput set-prop "N-Trig Pen stylus" "Device Enabled" 0 xinput set-prop "N-Trig Pen eraser" "Device Enabled" 0

I created a .sh script file to to execute all of these commands on startup The contents of the file are


xinput set-prop "N-Trig Touchscreen" "Device Enabled" 0
xinput set-prop "N-Trig MultiTouch" "Device Enabled" 0
xinput set-prop "N-Trig Pen stylus" "Device Enabled" 0
xinput set-prop "N-Trig Pen eraser" "Device Enabled" 0
  • When i add this script to startup applications, it is running only after login.
  • I want the script to disable the touchscreen at the login screen itself. during boot process itself.

Thus i created a .service file with the below contents

Description=Disable touchscreen on startup

ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 6


When i run the script manually using /usr/local/bin/ it works. But when i check the status of the .service file, it has an error saying "Unable to connect to X server"

Some kindly help me to troubleshoot, why the script is unable to connect to X server when it is called by the service. Thanks.

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Can you please add to your question (please don't add in comments) the make/model of your laptop? This will help others search for and find issues related to their specific hardware problems. Thanks.
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The xinput command configures your X server's view of the keyboard. Running it before you login, and start the X server (or Wayland), does not make sense.

You could login to your GUI, open a terminal and echo "$DISPLAY". Try copying this definition (export DISPLAY=...) to /usr/local/bin/, or a wrapper script.

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