
Is it okay to use the same pw for root and secure boot?

vn flag

If I install with secure boot enabled I’m asked to set a pw which I’m told I won’t need often. Is it safe to use the same pw as for root?

waltinator avatar
it flag
No. In Ubuntu, enabling the `root` userid is discouraged for security reasons. Use `sudo` instead. Read `man sudo sudoers`. Passwords in Ubuntu's `/etc/passwd` are not related to Secure Boot passwords.
H3R3T1K avatar
vn flag
I mean the sudo pw. Isn't it the same as the root pw? I think this is significant because anyone with secure boot enabled will be asked to set 2 pws during install. Lot's of people will use the same pw twice.
cn flag
@H3R3T1K no root has an encrypted password that is not known. And using 2 passwords the same is not a security risk -for Ubuntu-. It is a users choice making your question a matter of opinion ;) Security should never hinder a user and a user should not be hindered by a lack of security. The middleground is where Ubuntu lives.
us flag
Note that unless you encrypt your partitions, anyone with physical access to your computer can in principle do anything even without the root password.
cn flag

You will increase safety choosing different and strong passwords.

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