
Install VMware tools

dk flag

I have an ubuntu vm on VMware ESXi, When I try to install VMware tools it is grayed out, I make sure it is not installed.

Note: I install Ubuntu server 23.04 from USB stick. Also there no internet connection enter image description here

tg flag

It is easier and better to install open-vm-tools from the Ubuntu repositories. Just open a virtual console to your VM and sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install open-vm-tools to use the operating system managed vmtools instead.

See for more.

Dean Thayer avatar
tg flag
Just saw that you have no internet access from the VM. You can still manage to get open-vm-tools installed using an .iso image. See for ideas on that.
Abeer Zahrani avatar
dk flag
after I installed VMware tools in that method where can I found the folder to extract its content?
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