
Ubuntu 16.04 ESM / 18.04 ESM / 20.04 ESM / 22.04 ESM / 22.10 : FFmpeg vulnerabilities (USN-5958-1) after running nessus scan

lb flag

So I have run several nessus scans to check for vulnerabilities on my ubuntu 20.04 setup and I keep getting this vulnerability.

I have followed this: and trying to update every package there for ubuntu 20.04 but I get 2 packages that have conflicts:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libavcodec-extra58 : Conflicts: libavcodec58
 libavfilter-extra7 : Conflicts: libavfilter7

So I don't know how to solve this and resolve the vulnerability.

EDIT: I could install the packages but now my problem is that following the link above, when I try to update packages like:

libavcodec-extra - 7:4.2.7-0ubuntu0.1+esm1 it gives me an error:

E: Version '7:4.2.7-0ubuntu0.1+esm1' for 'ffmpeg' was not found

It happens for every package finished in *+esm1.

Thank you!

Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Your problem is a dependency problem, that has nothing to do with vulnerabilities. Please see below.
Raul avatar
lb flag
Thank you for your answer @ArturMeinild that helped to update the packages. But it's true I still have the vulnerability, maybe it's because I cannot install the packages ending in `+esm1` as it tells me for example `E: Version '7:4.2.7-0ubuntu0.1+esm1' for 'ffmpeg' was not found`. I don't know what to do then
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Also see [here]( You're not missing anything that you had before. ESM patching for Universe is a new service. Nessus is a "cheap" solution that only scans for package names.
Raul avatar
lb flag
Oh I understand now, okay so in my case I don't have ubuntu pro so I cannot install ESM packages. Then if I have every package from updated to its version (without the esm1 flag) why I'm still getting the vulnerability?
Artur Meinild avatar
vn flag
Because upstream security patches was never provided to Universe before - and it isn't on Arm or other platforms either. You have 2 choices: Subscribe to Ubuntu Pro, or just live with it.
Raul avatar
lb flag
Oh, I get it, thank you very much, that answers everything
Raul avatar
lb flag
Yes thank you, @ArturMeinild game a perfect solution :)

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