
will there be changes to folders when WSL is installed?

jp flag

I have a NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3050 laptop with Windows 11 OS. I had installed on Windows 11 Anaconda3, Jupyter Notebook using conda and it was working fine. I had installed CUDA 11.1 and associated CudNN files.

Since I wanted to install Tensorflow and it was written that WSL2 is essential for latest CUDA Versions, I installed WSL2 following the steps in (installed Ubuntu 22.0) and NVIDIA GPU support following the steps in CUDA version was changed to 12.1 as WSL2 supports 11.8 or higher Then I installed Miniconda in Ubuntu following the steps in

Now I find that commands like conda list, jupyter-notebook etc are not working in Windows Command prompt.

I find that there is Windows and Windows.old now in my file system (C:/ drive).

Kindly help me understand the issue(It might be a simple, but I am from electronics background) and how to run jupyter notebook in Windows while also using Ubuntu.

Nmath avatar
ng flag
If you need help with Windows command prompt, you can ask on our sister site [Super User]( We can't help with Windows problems. It's unclear how your issue is related to Ubuntu or WSL. [Windows.old has nothing to do with Ubuntu or WSL]( so it's likely that you're incorrect about this too.
Rensi Sam avatar
jp flag
the only software that I installed is wsl and cuda; thats why I raised it here.
Nmath avatar
ng flag
If you have a question about Ubuntu, we can try to help you with that. But you haven't actually described or provided any details about any problems with Ubuntu. Focus on your *actual problem* and not whatever you think is the cause or solution, especially when you have little or no evidence or confidence that your assumptions are true. See: [What is the XY Problem?]( If you want a prime example of the XY problem, you have a clear one in your question: Windows.old has absolutely nothing to do with Ubuntu in any capacity.
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