
Some Byobu shortcuts not working when using the Secure Shell extension from a Chromebook

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While SSH-ing to a Linux workstation using the Secure Shell Chrome extension from my Chromebook, most of Byobu's keyboard shortcuts work fine (using tmux underneath). One notable exception is Alt+Up/Down for switching between sessions(*), which are interpreted as simple Up/Down key presses and scroll through my bash command history.

How can I have access to switching between sessions on this environment?

Ideally there's some extension settings combination that would fix this, but I couldn't find the right incantation myself (I'm not an expert by any means). But maybe there are other ways or workarounds, like creating new Byobu shortcuts or using alternative Ctrl-a-based shortcuts?.

In case that helps, these are the sequences I get using read -n 1 from the Secure Shell extension:

  • Alt+Up: ^[[5~
  • Alt+Down: ^[[6~

And from a local terminal on the workstation:

  • Alt+Up: ^[[1;3A
  • Alt+Down: ^[[1;3B

(*): Curiously, Shift+Up/Down and Alt+Left/Right work just fine. There are other shortcuts that do not work either, but I'm less bothered by them, like F4-based ones (used by the OS for maximize/restore of windows) or Alt+F11.

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Are you using ChromeOS? It is off topic on this site. Only Ubuntu and its official flavors are on topic
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However, you can install ubuntu on a Chromebook If you have a more specific question about installing Ubuntu on a Chromebook, I will be happy to answer
Chuim avatar
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I am using a Chromebook to connect to a Linux box, so it's likely off topic. Sorry about that... Could you guide me to which Stack Exchange site would be appropriate for this question?
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Chuim avatar
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Thanks, I posted a [mirror question]( at that site. But I couldn't find how to close this one, or mark it as off topic. Feel free to do that, if you can.

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