
How to restart a modded Minecraft server every 24 hours?

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I made a .SH file that looks like this:

Letting people know that the server is going to restart:

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer restarting in §l30 minutes. §rPlease get ready to log off." Enter

# Wait for 1770 seconds (29 minutes and 30 seconds)
sleep 1770s

Send messages to the server indicating the restart countdown:

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l30 seconds! §rthe restart will take aproximately 5 minutes!" Enter
sleep 20s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l10 seconds!" Enter
sleep 5s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l5 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l4 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l3 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l2 seconds!" Enter
sleep 1s

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/say §cServer is restarting in §l1 second!" Enter
sleep 1s

Stop the Minecraft server:

tmux send-keys -t VHS "/stop" Enter
sleep 300s

Restart the server using the script:

tmux send-keys -t VHS "./" Enter

And the line of code I have made for the crontab looks like this:

0 21 * * * /VHServer/

The .sh file seems to run everything but the /stop command and possibly the ./ I have set up for the server, can I please get an explanation why?

Raffa avatar
jp flag
`./` is a path relative to your current working directory that might not be the same working directory for `cron` ... So what seems obvious to you isn't necessarily obvious to `cron` ... You need to provide the full path instead like for example `/home/username/`.
PerplexApple avatar
bo flag
Thankyou, so if I understand this correctly I need to add another line to the Cron job that executes the file directly rather than through the if that's the case I will need to edit the file to open up a tmux session or send that command into the tmux session correct?
Raffa avatar
jp flag
You're welcome ... No, just change `tmux send-keys -t VHS "./" Enter` to something like `tmux send-keys -t VHS "/home/username/" Enter` i.e. the full path to the `` script inside `/VHServer/`
PerplexApple avatar
bo flag
all seems to work now! thanks!
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