
Is there a way to configure Dual Boot after Windows installation in a separate drive?

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Context: I have a notebook which originally had an SSD and an HDD. For very specific reasons, at some point, I had two ubuntus, one in which drive, until recently I changed the HDD for another SSD (in which I installed Windows 11).

Current situation: My notebook has ubuntu 22.04 in one SSD and Windows 11 in the other one.

Problem: Ubuntu's dual boot configuration is set to the situation described in Context, so, when I boot, I get the option to boot ubuntu that is currently in my SSD and an ubuntu that no longer exists.

Is there a way to reconfigure the dual boot so that I can choose between ubuntu and Windows without having to install ubuntu 22.04 again?

us flag
Run `sudo update-grub` in Ubuntu
us flag

Edit the file /etc/default/grub, and add the line GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false.

Then, run the command sudo update-grub, and reboot.

AcKoucher avatar
ki flag
The command `sudo update-grub` was not available. Alternatively used [this]( and it worked either way. Thank you.

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