
Mic is not working on the zoom call only

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I have installed Zoom in two ways:

  • by terminal and
  • by the available app in the store

Both have the same issue. The microphone is working on my laptop, but it is not working in the Zoom setting, even though it shows the mic name. In the Zoom setting, the mic is not muted, but still, the issue is coming.

enter image description here

How to get the microphone to work in the Zoom call?

questionto42standswithUkraine avatar
You say that the microphone works on your laptop. Which program do you take to test this?
us flag
Can you select the specific mic in the Zoom settings instead of choosing "same as system"
Fazal Rehmanbangish avatar
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@questionto42 on zoom the mic is not working. i tested it with installing zoom on my mobile then i did call the voice is going but the issue is that the mic icon in zoom screen did not go green up and down
Fazal Rehmanbangish avatar
cw flag
@ArchismanPanigrahi i tried both the mic saystem and external both has same issuue. i dont know why it is happening
us flag
How did you install Zoom? Is it a snap app? In that case, switching to the APT app should fix the issue. Please tell us the exact command with which you installed zoom, and we can provide a potential solution
questionto42standswithUkraine avatar
Has it ever worked on your laptop? Now you say you tested it on your mobile. That does not count. How do you know that your laptop mic works so that only Zoom is the problem?
Fazal Rehmanbangish avatar
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@ArchismanPanigrahi Sudo dpkg -i (the file name)
Fazal Rehmanbangish avatar
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@questionto42 this icon did not go up
Fazal Rehmanbangish avatar
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I am new to ubuntu. Thank you both of you for helping me. I relly appreciate both of you for helping me
questionto42standswithUkraine avatar
I ask again: do you have any proof that your mic is working on your laptop at all? Which app is working with it? Did you check it in the sound settings? Your picture shows again just the Zoom app.
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