
How can I remove (uninstall) top (table of processes)

vn flag

Is there a way to remove (uninstall) top (table of processes)?

hr flag
What is your end goal? The `top` command is provided by the [procps]( package - I'm not sure it's possible to remove that without destroying your system. In any case, removing the `top` command itself doesn't prevent people from accessing the same information by other means (e.g. via the `/proc` filesystem directly).
Chairman Meow avatar
vn flag
@steeldriver thanks for that info. I thought it was an app like other ones that I can just remove if I don't use/need it.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Why bother to uninstall this standard Unix/Linux utility? Simply don't use it. Is this an XY problem? What's behind your desire to remove `top`?
ca flag

Removing utilities that comes with a standard Linux installation might not be a worthwhile option.
It might even be a source of later functional problems within the OS; e.g. attempting removal or update of python is a typical problem creator.

If you have limited space on your system disk(s) then consider software you yourself have installed as options for removal.

$ apt-mark showmanual | less will show you a list of software packages that has been marked as "manually installed" -
which happens if you have done $ sudo apt install _package_name_ at some moment in time.

Additionally; if there is more than one kernel version installed, those you're not using are often "free" to remove. $ dpkg --list | grep -E '^ii.*linux-image' will list them.

$ apt-mark --help and $ apt --help will show more options.

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