
How to get a usb wifi dongle to work?

cu flag

I am having a typical linux experience:

  • I have ubuntu "studio linux" 22.04 LTS but don't know what the "S" in "LTS" refers to.
  • I bought a usb wifi dongle with "linux" written on the packaging(NW621), but should have known what to expect.
  • I find the included pdf instructions fail to mention linux at all.
  • The "drivers" are on the included CD but nowhere can I find information about what to actually do with the files. Is it supposed to be obvious?
  • Then I search the internet to find enough support threads about this chipset or whatever to wallpaper my entire house but no straight forward instructions which I can understand or which actually work.
  • As is always the case with linux I have little choice but to clutch at straws typing all kinds of commands I don't understand into a terminal probably making things worse. Many of the suggestions result in "command not found" errors.
  • now I resort to adding yet another "duplicate" post asking how to "install" this consumer hardware device.
  • meanwhile I wonder why Windows needs no information whatsoever from me while linux insists on a song and dance/wild goose chase. lsusb says it's a RTL88x2bu iwconfig says "no wireless extensions" lsusb says it's a RTL88x2bu dkms status says "rtl8812au/, 5.15.0-73-lowlatency, x86_64: installed" so some sort of "clone" command has done something? make took a while. Is it "compiling"? modprobe: FATAL: Module rtl8812au not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.0-73-lowlatency

modprobe: FATAL: Module 88x2bu not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.0-73-lowlatency

I actually bought two adapters,the other is a NM602. When plugged in it is not recognised at all.

I copied the CD's "linux" folder to the computer. It has directories: core hal include os_dep platform and files: runwpa wlan0dhcp clean ifcfg-wlan0 Kconfig Makefile but not one word about what these files are or what I am supposed to do with them. The file manager says some are shell scripts, some are text files and some are build files. What I am supposed to make of it? Am I better off asking an AI?

guiverc avatar
cn flag
LTS = *Long Term Support*, ie. the S = support, which is *five* years for main Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud... and *three* years for *flavors* like Ubuntu Studio. Non-LTS releases only get 9 months of *supported* life with regard security fixes, patches etc; with only packages from *main* getting *five* years but lower life from *universe* etc unless you enable optional *Ubuntu Pro* etc. If you want a comparison with windows issues; use microsoft media & not media provided by your OEM maker; ie. it'll have no *drivers* for your hardware too having less support than Linux.
sfdggsdsdfg avatar
cu flag
support means what? hardware, software, user?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Security fixes are available, *five* years applying to packages from *main* with packages from *universe* or community sourced having shorter lives (usually 3 years for LTS but some come with only 9 months; which is why Ubuntu ISOs don't have *universe* included by default needing the user to manually agree to add the reduced level of security packages to their system). 22.04 tells you it is the 2022-April release (ie. *year.month* format with 2000 being subtracted from *year*) so EOL of security fixes in repositories can be easily calculated.. 9 months for non-LTS & 5 years for Ubuntu LTS
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Why not read one of the many release notes or announcements; eg. which states "*Maintenance updates will be provided for 5 years for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud and Ubuntu Core. All the remaining flavours will be supported for 3 years. Additional security support is available with ESM (Extended Security Maintenance).*" Ubuntu Studio is one of the *flavors* that has only 3 years of support for packages included on ISOs (packages you add yourself may have shorter lives)
sfdggsdsdfg avatar
cu flag
So "support" is a reference to software/code i.e. stuff under the hood so to speak and not a reference to some sort of process where I can get help to actually get it to work?
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've not said how far you got with documentation, ie. did you look at etc.. the 3.1 Device Recognition & Operation is where I'd look for the most advice.. as Linux support isn't based on make/model of board but the chipset on said board (not brand printed on box!). Once you've recognized the chips its usually pretty easy using a search engine.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
FYI: Did you read the release notes on use of the *low latency* kernels, and suggestions **not** to use them if you have specific hardware issues like you appear to have.. ie. they make it more difficult, thus the inclusion of the *generic* kernels with Ubuntu Studio installs... ie. reading the documentation can save you time esp. if you have problems. FYI: S in support is the normal meaning as per industry standards (since the 1980s inc. from Microsoft.. You buy a dell you expect 'support' in human terms from the person you paid $s to, with Microsoft/Canonical providing the ~same level)
hu flag
Does this answer your question? [Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers](
cu flag

The Simplecom NW621 with the Realtek RTL88x2bu chipset is now working.

I had a chat to google's Bard AI, which wasn't terribly helpful after it got confused and thought I was talking about which car I wanted to buy. Eventually I found a github page( and with Bard's help figured out that I only needed to type in the commands under the "Manual DKMS installation" section which all completed successfully(this time). Then I rebooted. I am still confused about why linux couldn't have done this within ten seconds of me plugging the adapter in.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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