
Minimal BASH-like on LUKS-encrypted install after format of secondary SSD

in flag

I can't load ubuntu after I formatted the old SSD I used to have Windows on and that I thought had nothing to do with Ubuntu's boot. The Ubuntu partition is LUKS encrypted and in GRUB I am able to list the following (only the 1TB disk I have ubuntu on is connected as I disconnected the old one):

(proc) (memdisk) (hd0) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)

Using ls on the partitions i get the following:

Device hd0: No known filesystem detected - Sector size 512 byte - Total size 976762584 KiB


Partition hd0,gpt1: Filesystem type fat, UUID ______ - Partition start at 1024KiB - Total size 524288 KiB

(hd0,gpt1)/ contains a efi/ folder, which contains ubuntu/ and Boot/. ubuntu/ has a grubx64.efi file in it, while Boot/ contains bootx64.efi.grb and bootx64.efi


Partition hd0,gpt2: Filesystem type ext*, Last modification time _____ UUID ______ - Partition start at 525312 KiB - Total size 1750016 KiB

(hd0,gpt2)/ contains:

lost+found/ (empty), efi/ (empty), grub/

and a lot of linux files which from other guides i tried to look online seem important to restore the boot such as: vmlinuz-6.2.0-20-generic, initrd.img-6.2.0-20-generic, vmlinuz, initrd.img, and others.


Partition hd0,gpt3: No known filesystem detected - Partition start at 2275328KiB - Total size 974486528 KiB

I tried the following:

>set root=(hd0,gpt2)
>set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/
>linuxefi /vmlinuz-6.2.0-20-generic
>initrdefi /initrd.img-6.2.0-20-generic

And it seems like it starts (black screen with waterfall of white text) while it always gets stuck at

[1.8xxxxx] i915 0000:00:02.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)

Do I have to once again bulldozer the system and reinstall everything or am I missing something? Thank you in advance :)

in flag

SOLVED! using this guide, in particular the "Via Live Image" part:

  1. created a live Ubuntu USB, booted into it via "Try Ubuntu".

  2. installed boot repair:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair

    sudo apt update

    sudo install boot-repair

  3. Using "Disks" I mounted the unmounted partitions of my disk and unlocked the encrypted data partition (Boot-repair could not fix the problem before doing such)

  4. Launched boot-repair and followed its instructions to restore the boot

I will leave this question/answer here as I couldn't find any guide specifically for the scenario I was in, hoping this will be helpful to someone in the future. Boot-repair is a great tool!

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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