
Where is PYTHONPATH added?

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when I checked the PYTHONPATH with


the results is so complicated. I want to remove some lines. However, it s not in the bashrc,profile or enviroment file. Is there any way to fix this problem?

Results are:


and it goes more on that. some lines repeat and paths are wrong.

Edit: I used export PYTHONPATH= directly from the terminal and didn't write them in a file. But, my question is, even if I didn't save it to any files, does the system write it in a file or not? Because I want to remove all this complicated PYTHONPATH.

Zehra N. avatar
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no, I used the 'export' command to set the PYTHONPATH environment. but, there should be a file to be saved which I couldn't find.
Zehra N. avatar
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@user535733 I know how to use bashrc and persistent editing. I couldn't edit the current PYTHONPATH because I couldn't find it inside any file. Is it clear now? thanks.
Zehra N. avatar
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I found my answer, thnks.
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As this doc indicates, ''Non-existent directories are silently ignored.''. So, there will be no problem with this complicated path.

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