
Get the command line in full, of a GUI program

cn flag

How to know the complete command line used to invoke a GUI program currently running ?

tried ps -e, only put its filename

Raffa avatar
jp flag
Does `ps -e -O cmd` output what you want?
ru flag

man (for reference MANnuals) is usually setup by default so for most commands you can do for example man ps to get the manual for the ps command. There you will see one of the (many) options is -f for a "full-format" listing so:

ps -ef

Raffa avatar
jp flag
This is neater than formatting the output for `ps` with `-O` for OP purpose. +1
fo flag

you can always use htop

apt install htop

then use F5 to tree view and use F3 to search for the program by name you can see the bin that's used

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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