
Google Chrome does ot load anymore

cn flag

Since I updated my system 22.04 with the latest kernel, Chrome does not start anymore. When I click on the Chrome icon, the little black wheel is turning showing some activity for about 30 seconds then disapear. I tried to purge chrome and to clean the cache but nothing change. If I try to start it from a terminal typing google-chrome-stable, I get a message about check failed: : permission not allowed (13). I installed Chromium as a backup and it is working fine but all my shrtcuts and passwords are stores in chrome... Thanks in advance for your help.

Esther avatar
es flag
if you logged into a Google account in Chrome, your passwords and such are probably stored on your Google account. Check out, and your bookmarks are stored in a "bookmarks" file (which can be imported into chromium)
Regis Ega avatar
cn flag
Despite the help received, Chrome still does not load... Maybe I did something else that skewed up the permissiosn. This is teh message I get trying to start from terminal: regis@regis-desktop:~/Bureau$ google-chrome-stable [42400:42400:0705/] Check failed: . : Permission non accordée (13) Trappe pour point d'arrêt et de trace (core dumped)
Regis Ega avatar
cn flag
Thank you for yoru help. It is true that I can access my password with the google adress but after that, Chrome does not sync with my other computers... So, I need Chrome anyway. But your help did allow mer tio access this account using my Ubuntu computer.
mc flag

reinstall chrome by upper answers terminal command, or you can just install chrome by chrome page by .deb file.

Regis Ega avatar
cn flag
Thank you for yoru answer. I did reinstall Chrome using the deb and apt method. This still does not work.
gt flag

try to reinstall chrome

sudo apt reinstall google-chrome-stable

or update chrome

sudo apt update google-chrome-stable

remove chrome

sudo dpkg -r google-chrome-stable

install chrome

sudo apt install google-chrome-stable
Regis Ega avatar
cn flag
Thank you for your answers. I had already try to reinstall from the deb file and tried again with the sudo apt install command. This does not change anything....
Talaat Etman avatar
gt flag
@RegisEga look at update in my answer
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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.