
In Ubuntu 22.04, how to make a taskbar shortcut (with a certain icon) that runs a specific command when clicked?

in flag

In Ubuntu 22.04, how can I make a taskbar shortcut that uses /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/firefox.png as an icon and runs firefox --private-window when clicked?

in flag
  1. Create a file at ~/.local/share/applications/firefox-private.desktop.
  2. Paste these lines into the file, and save it.
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Private
Exec=firefox --private-window
  1. Make the file executable: chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/firefox-private.desktop
  2. You might need to log out and back in.
  3. Search for "Firefox Private" in Activities. To open the Activities search, you can either click Activities in the top left of your screen, or you can press the Windows key on your keyboard.
  4. Right-click your new "Firefox Private" icon that appears in those search results.
  5. Choose "Add to Favorites".
  6. (You'll then see the icon in your taskbar.)

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