
Got no internet connection on my Ubuntu 23.04. Need help

sj flag

My Ubuntu had internet connection previously , but once I have set up my DNS and DHCP servers, my Ubuntu has no more internet connection.

May I know what is the main cause of not having internet connection?

Does my in real life IP address affects it or could it be some configurations that I have made during the set up of my DNS and DHCP server?

cc flag
We need more detail of the problem. With no DHCP, you get no ip assigned, with no DNS ping fails, with no internet ping fails.
user535733 avatar
cn flag
"*I have set up my DNS and DHCP servers*" That seems like the main cause of the problem. But you did not need us to tell you that. Please [edit your question]( to clearly explain, step-by-step, what you installed and how you configured it.
mpboden avatar
do flag
What exactly did you change? Where? What? How? And what is the output of `ip a` and `resolvectl status` and `ls -l /etc/resolv.conf`? Please update/edit question with this info.
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