
Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping timeout even though it gets IP address and it shows connected on my router

cn flag

Ubuntu Server 22.04 ping times out even though it gets the IP address and it shows it's connected on my router. The timeout happens when I ping to/from it in the network, but running ip a shows that eno1 has an IP address.

This problem happened suddenly for no apparent reason. I tried changing the cable, but it didn't work.

Here is the output of what you requested. They are all images because I can't SSH to the server:

Results of ip a:

ip a output

Results of resolvectl:

resolvectl output

Results of ls -l resolve.conf:

ls -l resolve.conf output

I discovered the reason for this. It happens when I try to download torrents on qbittorrent Hotio container, but stopping the container and restarting doesn't solve the problem that's why that when it happened the firsy time I thought that wasn't the reason. How can I get my connection back immediately after this happens? Rebooting doesn't solve the problem.

waltinator avatar
it flag
Do you have a route ? `ip route;ip link`. Read `man ip ip-route ip-link`.
mpboden avatar
do flag
Please update question with output of `ip a` and `resolvectl status` and `ls -l /etc/resolv.conf`.
waltinator avatar
it flag
Please [edit] your question to add whatever information you get. Do not use Add Comment.
Adam Joney avatar
cn flag
I don't know what happened but the server is now working after a power outage, It is like this these couple days power here is not stable because of the weather and load on the local power grid.

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