
How to keep WireGuard active and connected through suspends?

ve flag

On a Windows 10 machine I have an always-on WireGuard (0.5.3) VPN connection. Whenever it suspends, the connection is active right after the computer comes back up.

How do I achieve the same effect on my Ubuntu 22.04? Currently, when I suspend the system and it comes back up, the connection seems active (the interface is listed) but isn't (no response to icmp echo from hosts over VPN).

My config

PrivateKey = prv+key=
Address =

PublicKey = pub+key=
AllowedIPs =,
Endpoint = gateway.domain.tld:51820

And I use wg-quick to bring it up

root@roaminglaptop:/etc/wireguard# wg-quick up only-lan.conf

Please note, that this is a different server from the one I use with a Windows machine. So it may be that the other peer is at fault here. Let me know if this should be investigated.

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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