
Linux Ubuntu only dummy output audio device. I've ran hardware probe and have ID but not sure how to install drivers/kernels etc

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My sound output device is showing only dummy output. I've ran a hardware probe and got my hardware device information (screenshot attached) but I'm very new to linux so I'm not sure about how installing drivers works or what even is a kernel. I've installed ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS and I believe my kernel version 5.19.0 which should be compatible according to but I'm literally stumped.

Would really appreciate some help! Thanks!

Hardware Probe Information


I believe there was some issue with fast boot. When restarting my laptop if I don't let the computer rest for a few seconds before rebooting it back up again then the audio devices are not recognized.

gdoublee23 avatar
mf flag
uname -r gives 5.19.0 -32-generic and settings -> about shows OS Name: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. Maybe something about when I built the installation files with rufus it mentioned downloading some update for the version? but those details seems corrent
gdoublee23 avatar
mf flag
My mistake, I've corrected the question. However it does state that it's a LTS version?
gdoublee23 avatar
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I thought it shouldn't be too difficult for someone who knows what they're doing but I'm just an absolute noob at linux :/

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