Turned on my PC today and got greeted with a white screen stating "Oh no! Something went wrong. Please contact your system adminstrator."
Started by looking this up found this question. Attempted to do CTRL-ALT-F3 but got greeted with a black screen with a blinking cursor and unable to type anything. Decided to try and boot in recovery mode and access the root terminal there. Continued with the answers given in that question and tried to install packages using apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
etc, however, I am getting "failed to fetch" errors on all the archives. I check my internet connectivity using ping www.google.com
and I get Temporary failure in name resolution
. Attempting ping
or ping
gives me Network is unreachable
. Time to look up fixes for this.
Most of the fixes state to check the /etc/resolve.conf
file and modify it to use Google DNS servers with
. Add these to the /etc/resolve.conf
file and I get the same results.
What do I do? Pretty sure I just need to fix whatever the issue is with internet connectivity to download packages, and then that should fix my "Oh no! Something went wrong" issue.